The Audience of 1

When you look back over your life you should be able to connect the dots. Each phase of your life is like a piece of your puzzle, your journey. Even the parts that are unpleasant, tragic or dumb ALL make up YOU and your personal journey. One who reflects, then takes...

Seek and Find

Couldn’t figure out really how I got stuck and how to get unstuck. Of course I know biblical principles. We know it says faith without works is dead. Well just like that revelation became clear. Surely, I was blocking my own clarity. It  was 4 am one morning I...

Change…For Better or Worse???

We all know change don’t change unless you change it. Well I’m in constant pursuit of bettering myself. So often I hear people  express their opinions of change. Some despise it others will try to hold you to your past self, some may even break ties with...